Thursday, August 20, 2009



How did you assume I would not understand?
Maybe you didn't understand me or care enough to understand me
But, it's fine-- I forgive you!

How did you assume I wouldn't know how much loving that someone special means to you?
Maybe you didn't think I would, but I do
So, hakuna matata and I forgive you

How did you think I would not know how irreplacable I am?
I would, coz I am good and you know
So, solpa chill madi, it's fine right? I forgive you

How did you think I would assume we value the same things,
You value love more, and friendship is more like me
Hopeless hopes, secret desires, I wish I was like you!
And there's no need to repeat, but I do forgive you.

But what went wrong, I must tell
Not to you, but to myself

What you didn't think about is how hurt I would be to hurt you
What you didn't think about is how bad I would feel to see you frown
What you didn't know was I care more or as much as you do
What you didnt know was for you, I wouldnt mind being the clown

I do pray for you, and I care I do
and on this note, let me forgive myself too!

It really doesn't matter if I'm right or you
as much as you matter, and mater you do

Just in case you thought I didn't, I forgive you!


Me and myself, we hope to become one someday
Don't listen to that which a rainy day may bring
But, with the sun in your heart
For the rain brings with it what the sun did not.
Don't let each truth stop your search for more
I seek to be as endless as you, but I'm not
With each step behind, I run along a lil' ahead
The tears I saw, tear at me too
For I hurt someone as beautiful as you
I write this for you to see me too
How much I yearn for myself to be closer to me
Coz through this, I want to be closer to you.


shatterproof-attitude said...

So were you reborn after this was extracted from you? :P

Mannequin said...
