Saturday, June 8, 2013


What you desire, so you shall become
What you long for, from the deepest recesses of your heart
Will be yours to enjoy forever.
The world around you might be seen as a rise of a mighty mountain,
Or come crashing down on your like a reckless wave.
But, you shall not be torn apart, you shall persist forever.
Your heart and hopes and dreams will not lurk in the shadows
They are golden lights threaded on an endless string of the universe
Each too small to stand alone, you think?
But, each quiet desire is a testimony to the road of your soul
The one you choose to wander on, stumble and fall.
The one you must always pick yourself up from, and travel ahead
The world and its people might deceive you at every turn
Do not fall for derision or glory
Stay strong, stay hopeful and stay free
For so you shall become.