Sunday, September 12, 2010

Room to Vent

I look for ways to flow free. Feels like they never can again.
Oh to feel like a whizzing cork bottle spitting wine. Needs to be corked again.
Who knows what the secret future may tell?
What misty candlelight obscures the way?
Try as I may seem far from empty
Empty thoughts alone kindle the light.
In a passionate fury you venture out to seek what has already been placed before hand.
Do not lose courage for courage comes to those who ask.
And not to those who claim to have it.
Fly away to lands unnoticed
Seek not to live in shadows of your dreams
How far you can go, you will never know
Unless your willing to risk yourself for it
And show yourself nakedly to the world
The glimpses viewed through the sheer curtain will fall through
There it reveals a blessing, I feel its love
How much to ask for? Too little?
I tire of knowing what is, yet clinging to what swims appealingly, morbidly
Same exhaustion, same routines, same circles
It crushes little by little, and revives all the same.
A moment of rest too soon gone by.
Piece by piece unfolded
But like an endless book, the story goes on and on
And here I am in a room to vent.


aruni said...

Makes me feel like I am sitting in dark grey room looking at wooden window which stands ajar letting in blinding rays of a sun, but I can't seem to get up and open the window. Sigh.

a said...

I don't know why I said 'a sun.' We only have the one.

Anonymous said...

no need to be so exact.. i can have one sun.. i can have many suns