Monday, July 12, 2010

Where do I go now?

It's been ages since I wrote anything. It's so easy to get complacent.. to sit back and want little out of life when you are very comfortable with everything. I rarely post stuff spontaneously, I usually review it lots o times before I actually publish anything. A sign that I don't care to edit and revise.. I'm pretty cool with what's here.

Yet again, I find myself at tentative crossroads in my life. Struggling to know what I want.. and how to get there. I understand how some people get caught in the struggle of pursuit.. there is something productive in a struggle.. it makes you feel like you are doing something, going somewhere, making things happen. It is part of the joy of creating something of your own I guess. Right now I feel like I have nothing to struggle for, that things are easy. I should feel blessed instead that I have comforts, I have peace all around.. what gives then?

One important thing I have realized for myself is that - the grass is never green on the other side. What I have in my power is to make best use of the moment.. When I look back, I think I am constantly craving this freedom space which is my idea of well.. complete joy and harmony with the universe and nothing else. The frustrating side about wanting that for myself all the time is.. everything within the normal space of the everyday pales, I forget to enjoy simple things and keep wanting something extraordinary all the time. And, it slips my reach.. and I am left in a state of limbo unable to stay still to enjoy the simple present neither be caught up in the thrilling pursuit of the extraordinary.

Which way now?

1 comment:

Aruni Bhattacharya said...

Nice to be in a meadow. Grass green on all sides. :D