Funny how blahness induces creativity.
Or rather pushes it off of me
Unstructured thoughts are like sheep let free from herding
They offer temporary respite and limited freedom.
Every day I watch a yellow shrub shed its leaves one by one
Today, few cling on for dear life
Representing a change in season
Or, a shedding of inhibitions.
Every day, a little bit of sun shines down upon it
Egging it on to flourish
But, it most follow the circle of life, death and resurrection
You want to sleep the dullness away
To restore sense and aliveness in your brain
To spark a hope that can keep you burning
But, like all my tales of deep despair
This one too is yearning
To not be defeated
To view things in perspective
to be a little taller than the smallest small
Sometimes you don't know what you want
And when you do, you can't always get it
So, you change your mind, a TV channel, new clothes
You bathe, get out, talk to somebody new, take a deep breath
And invest in something new.
If this seems abrupt, it's on purpose
You see life is sudden, unexpected, and never regular for one
Who is always torn asunder by deep longings,
Does one be a victim or slave to it?
The other option. is to be unnatural. And, fake. Add a little sunshine.
Revel in it, and be transformed?
Isn't that the hoop we walk in everyday?